Let's assume the pixel artist doesn't mind to manually keep track of a pseudo indexed colour palette. But let's forgive PS in this respect for now. This limitation by itself is reason enough for the serious pixel artist to look elsewhere. I can't go into the details here, because that would become an article by itself. It doesn't sound that problematic, but once you understand how indexed colour palettes simplify the pixel artist's workflow, it becomes a bit of a show-stopper when this basic requirement is not supported. Arguably the pixel artist may decide to work in RGB mode then and restore layer support, but (s)he can no longer define an indexed colour palette (and colours must be adjusted indirectly). While Photoshop does offer an indexed image mode, it doesn't support layers.

You cannot draw a circle without fill quickly in Photoshop.

Workarounds like stroking a circular path are terribly cumbersome and inefficient to work with when doing any type of pixel art, and merely make for a convoluted and inefficient workflow - stopping the pixel artist in his/her tracks while working. The entire point is to turn off anti-aliasing for most work, or control it precisely. Davidm87674233 As you can tell, most people here do not really understand your question very well - probably because they've never created actual pixel art for a living or for fun.